08:00AM It
is time to have breakfast! First I checked the availability
of the food by just looking at the refrigerator, since I can virtually see
inside without opening the door. And then I checked the weekly diet program
prepared for my family’s health; and I picked the dish to cook. I don't need to
know about the recipe and cooking procedure because I can just follow the
instruction on my vision. I opened and took the dairy product package out, and
I could check the calories, other dietary factors and expiry date just by
looking at the package.
09:00AM Just
as I finished taking my AR Pilates class, I see my husband telling me that he
has a meeting in the dining room, so we should avoid the area for an hour so
they all can freely join him. It’s fine with me, since I was actually planning
to go out, yesterday by using my glasses I could get so much done at work, that
I have time for myself this morning. Before getting out I decide to ‘live’ the
news and this is what I find:
“Google glass has become a commoditized
device, Google shares have dropped 1.34% since “@ugmentedLife” has announced
that they have signed an agreement to work together with Bascon Palmer in order
to make the implants with a hundred percent success to be attached to the human
eye. Competitors such as Microsoft and Apple, have not been able to cope with
the accelerated pace that “@ugmentedLife” has been growing, although they are
now focusing more on education and travel, but they have been struggling since
the Latin American Union Parliament approved to charge taxes to tourism
companies every time a person visits their countries through AR instead of
paying physical visits. Actual Tourism, one out of fifteen people nowadays make
real travels, so industries such as hotels have needed to shift their
operations offering AR rooms, to make their clients have the real experience of
staying the night in their augmented reality rooms.
Also privacy regulations have been
harshly penalizing each time technology customers have tried to go beyond
another person’s privacy or break codes of a Nation’s intelligence system. To
issue augmented reality use permits has become more strict and groups such as
“Pro Real Life” have been pushing government and society to make reforms that
promote the Augmented Reality detachment, this strong ARPhobic NGO is being
supported by powerful leaders who are willing to take AR industry down to make
things go “back to reality”.”
10:00AM As
I stop ‘living’ the news, I am grateful that now I can unplug myself but I
don’t feel as bad as the news paint AR. I think about my neighbor, how since
her car accident she can’t move, but thanks to her AR glasses she can go to
work and last week she was very excited telling me how she had been able to
attend her son’s college graduation. Without AR her life wouldn’t be the same,
also global warming effects have decreased due to less gas emissions caused by
air and ground transportation.
Now I decide to listen to music so
I stare at my Bose music player and order it to play music just by saying
"Play the music, Tchaikovsky, violin concerto D major." and it
plays... simple. I can control almost every electronic device and gadget by
just watching and ordering with voice. Before, with just voice recognition I
can't easily do that because there are so many devices around me. but with AR
added, with the help of other technologies such as image/video recognition and
machine to machine communication, you can select the machine and give orders
Ending remark:
1. AR ultimately will affect
nearly every phase of life. Even prematured Google glasses can be used in wide
range of life: food, health, travel, entertainment, living, education,
information delivery and communication, military, etc. Please check the
link for top 10 prominent use of Google glasses:
2. It will evolve from a simple
wearing device to more attachable, but together with other supporting
technologies such as voice / image recognition, flexible display, RFID,
bluetooth, and thin battery, it will be widely accepted to the public, such as
contact lenses or other types of wearable devices. Some day in the long
future, it will be eventually transplanted to the human body.
3. It will significantly improve
the convenience for people because it reduces one layer of many layers which lie in the information flow
between human beings and machines. People no longer need to carry mobile
phones, tablets, or PCs. They don't need to compare the digital images of
those devices with the real view. The
multiple screens and any input devices will be replaced with single AR view and
voice recognition technology.
4. At the end of the day, It is not about just adding an
additional layer into the real world. In other words, It is not just about
visual augmentation, it is an augmentation of communication between you and
other objects. (think about the example of the AH-64, apache helicopter) It
enables visual tagging. You can identify an object and communicate with it.
Think about all the interactions you make with machines now: Car, laptop,
portable devices, watches, sign board, refrigerators, washing machines,
lights... those machines require large amounts of manual interaction if you are
to control them. But with such a fantastic AR device, you can simply do
whatever you want by just watching it and commanding with your voice, just like
when you are asking something to your friends. You don’t need a control panel
or mouse anymore. Also it will drastically change the design of all the
machines and gadgets. The design will return to retro style since you don’t
need a digital auxiliary parts anymore,
which will also drive down the cost and price of those devices.
5. But we should be cautious of
the side effects. Not to
mention the boiling criticism about the privacy issues caused by Google
glasses, we saw many times how simple video games influenced
vulnerable people to confuse virtual and
real life and committed serious social problems. What will happen if it
becomes really difficult to tell between the real-life and digital? Growing
popularity on AR games such as “Ingress” by Google might cause a tremendous
side effects such as addiction problems, because some gamers might take it too
serious because of reality factors infused in the game.
6. In the end it will lead the
human being to the era when people will regard those additional layer as
natural and essential. Think about 20 years ago when internet was first
introduced. Was internet or network essential at that time?
7. Think about popular Japanese
animation "Ghost in the shell" or movie "Matrix". Those are the prophecy of doom and gloom,
rather than bright future... There will be a time when you cannot really tell
the real information from the digital ones, even though that may not come in
our lifetime. Which means this technology can also be a horrible
menace to human beings...
Thank you for reading, stay tuned with augmentacious!
Team Ogres.
Interesting Video. It's a must watch.